RedCappi: Branding, Website + User Interface Design
A more refined digital presence for an already established brand identity.

A rebrand requires a high level of discipline, thinking and attention to detail. The DWC team brings all three with a passion to effectively nurture and enhance the total customer experience across every touchpoint—print, web, mobile, email, social, etc.
With RedCappi, the project began with a website overhaul of content and visuals but evolved to later include marketing, press and educational materials. Enhancing the brand’s presence to be competitive against market rivals was a full team effort between client, designer, copywriter, and developers.
We built on what the RedCappi brand had already established as their key differentiator from competitors—it's so easy a baby could it. By bringing this idea to the forefront on the site’s homepage, we positioned RedCappi as the go-to email marketing software for all levels, especially beginners. From their existing logo with a baby icon to the bold image of a baby using a laptop to the brand voice’s approachability, the website reiterated ease of use for anyone looking to promote their business through email.

The website was newly constructed using a WordPress theme that had built-in responsive code for mobile viewing. However, we worked with a developer to fine-tune various pages so they worked more effectively.
Not everything for RedCappi was a structural rebuild. The email creator application already had great bones in terms of framing and user flow, so the team only had minimal enhancements. Mainly conducting a reskin of the application's outdated design and content to be more consistent with the new site.

"We nearly tripled our website conversion rate when we launched our new site design, and achieved a very meaningful ROI by working with Chon. I unequivocally recommend Chon’s services to anyone in need of great creative for websites, eBooks, social media profiles, or help designing the aesthetic aspect of HTML emails."
- Jason McDonald, President of RedCappi