Macias Imports: Logo, Brand Identity + Website
A bold refresh that added even more flavor to an already vibrant brand.

Macias Imports Inc is a family-owned Chicago business of Mexican dried spices and goods. The client's personality along with their culture is vibrant and warm, and they wanted their new company logo to exude this charisma along with communicating their service industry.
DWC provided several logo design options that each told their own story, but the clear winner for Macias Imports was the dried chili peppers arranged in a sunburst pattern. The logo brought the energy and charm the client was seeking to life.

On the homepage of the website, the client wanted to communicate the company's origin and history. To do that, DWC created a carousel with three rotating images to visually tell the brand's story and showcase their range of imported spices. When they click on any of the products in the main image, the product information pops up. We also made the navigation interactive to help guide the user to different sections within the site, like the product page with a more detailed inventory of available spices.